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Life Extension Plan

At Medexa, we design all advanced practices and methods in modern medicine that support long life with a holistic methodology and offer you the most advanced rejuvenation and longevity program on Earth.

Cellular Renewal from Head to Toe

Medexa focuses on physical, cellular, and genetic regeneration through the Life Extension Plan, which centers around stem cell renewal and proliferation, increasing telomerase enzymes in DNA, and extending telomere length. The Life Extension Plan is an assertive and high-level program that provides all the necessary methods, treatments, and therapies to completely transform your life, enabling you to regain lost years and meet all your expectations.

Extending your lifespan while keeping your body youthful is possible through an effective combination of meticulously planned multiple treatment methods, regardless of your age.


8 Miraculous Treatments

The eight treatments are simultaneously applied to achieve the best and most comprehensive results with the Life Extension Plan. Within this scope, the following eight treatments are brought together with the inclusive power of a holistic methodology, allowing your body to regain its self-healing power.

  • The Miracle of Stem Cell Therapy gives the body the ability to renew itself
  • The Speed of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy activates white blood cells for cellular repair
  • The Ability of Multipass Ozone Therapy reinforces the immune system and accelerates cellular renewal in one session
  • The Powerful Impact of Infrared Light Therapy removes wrinkles, sagging, and scars by harnessing infrared beams. 
  • The Therapeutic Power of Cryotherapy stands out with the regenerating and rejuvenating benefits of the cold
  • The Anti-Aging Potential of Blood Cleansing Therapy increases blood quality and enriches its contents
  • The Advanced Mechanism of Ultimus S.P.G.F. Therapy prompts the body’s natural defense system by increasing cellular proliferation and differentiation.
  • The Refreshing Effect of IV Advanced+ Therapy allows the intake of mega doses of vitamins and minerals.


Genetic and Epigenetic Analyses

Medexa Clinic evaluates each individual uniquely for all treatments, therapies, and procedures within the scope of the Life Extension Plan. The clinic designs the health and beauty journey to provide maximum benefit and ensure that the individual receives the most suitable service before the procedure, with a personalized approach based on genetic characteristics.

In line with this approach:

The Genetic Check-up Service allows for your risk identification and predispositions against certain diseases, determines your detox capacity, analyzes your personal vitamin and mineral needs, and thoroughly assesses which foods are critical to your health.


The Anti-Aging Analysis brings together the most critical steps in achieving a youthful and beautiful body by determining the role of your genes in collagen production and breakdown, your skin’s moisture production, its need for antioxidants, and your biological age. This step is essential for having a young and radiant appearance. It combines the most advanced treatment methods tailored to your genetic profile into a comprehensive plan.

Diet Genetics Service identifies all the obstacles in front of you to enable you to nutrition according to your genetic characteristics and predispositions, thus extending your lifespan and helping you achieve a healthy and ideal weight. It goes beyond typical diet programs with nutrition plans and lifestyle recommendations tailored to your fat-burning, muscle-loss, and dietary tendencies.

Sports Genetic Analysis evaluates in detail your genetic structure, muscle cells, muscle fiber composition, muscle damage and recovery process, and many other factors related to your endurance, strength, and speed to achieve maximum results from your exercises and training.


  • Strengthening the immune system to gain a strong defense against diseases and infections.
  • Slowing down the aging process by accelerating cellular renewal
  • Optimizing metabolism, enzymes, and hormone interactions.
  • Achieving the ideal of longevity through a unique method that strengthens the body’s self-renewal ability.
  • Reaching a natural, vibrant, and captivating beauty with treatments that have the potential to eliminate all traces of aging.
  • Improving blood circulation and enhancing blood quality.
  • Embarking on a personalized treatment journey with a treatment plan tailored to your genetic and epigenetic predispositions.
  • Regaining a youthful, long, and healthy life by stimulating the regenerative and repair capabilities of senescent cells

Treatment Plan

IV Advanced+ 10 Sessions
Multipass Ozone Therapy 10 Sessions
Stem Cell Treatment 1 Sessions
Ultimus S.P.G.F. 2 Sessions
Cryotherapy 10 Sessions
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy 15 Sessions
Blood Cleansing 2 Sessions
Infrared Light Therapy 4 Sessions
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