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Stem Cell

Stem cell therapy, one of the latest technologies in the field of aesthetics, rejuvenates skin cells to provide a long-lasting young and dynamic appearance.

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Stem Cell

Stem cell therapy, one of the latest technologies in the field of aesthetics, rejuvenates skin cells to provide a long-lasting young and dynamic appearance. The therapy increases collagen and elastin hormones and stimulates the cell renewal rate, which weakens as we age. Stem cell therapies improve the texture and tone of the skin, reduce acne, scarring, and cracks, and eliminate sagging and lines. It is applied using the patient’s own cells, and so involves minimal risk.

Frequently Asked Questions

Stem cell therapy can be adapted for various skin types. Consultation with a medical professional helps determine if this treatment is suitable for your specific skin concerns.

The duration of results varies based on individual factors and the treatment plan. In general, stem cell therapy provides long-lasting outcomes, helping maintain a youthful appearance over an extended period.

Stem cell therapy involves harvesting stem cells from the patient’s body, often from areas like adipose tissue. These cells are then processed and re-injected into the treatment area, promoting rejuvenation.

The procedure is typically well-tolerated and minimally invasive. Discomfort levels may vary among individuals, but many patients experience only mild discomfort during the treatment.

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