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Non-Surgical Face Reconstruction Package

The Non-Surgical Face Reconstruction Pack supports and accelerates the body’s natural detoxification processes, while toxin removal is facilitated with nutritional programs that increase the power of all the components in the package, based on a special dietitian follow-up.

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Non-Surgical Face Reconstruction Package

Would you like to return to the times when you had a young, bright and pure appearance? You may wish to opt for the Non-surgical Face Reconstruction Package that we have developed, which promises rapid and highly effective results without the need for surgical interventions!

After a doctor consultation, during which all the needs of your skin are determined and the necessary planning is carried out, the French Lift method is applied to quickly lift and tighten sagging skin. A youth vaccine is then applied to help your skin to bring about a return of its natural glow, after which, the long-term results of the applications is provided ensured through IV therapy packages using completely natural components, supporting your body in the regeneration process.

The treatment supports and accelerates the body’s natural detoxification processes, while toxin removal is facilitated with nutritional programs that increase the power of all the components in the package, based on a special dietitian follow-up. 

Who can benefit from the Non-surgical Face Reconstruction Package?

  • The Body Edema Treatment Package is beneficial to those who: want to reconstruct their face from the inside out, painlessly, and without surgery;
  • suffer from such problems as fine lines, wrinkles, sagging skin and uneven skin tones;
  • want to have a young and lively-looking complexion;
  • want to make the results of aesthetic procedures permanent through both medical and natural treatments and methods; 
  • have undergone previous surgical operations and want to refresh the results of those operations;
  • have damaged skin resulting from such factors as sun, pollution and stress; and
  • are seeking an alternative to the long recovery process required with surgical procedures.

What does the package include?

Doctor Consultation

During the Doctor Consultation, your concerns and requirements related to your skin are assessed in accordance with your skin health, and your medical history, medications and allergies are checked. Subsequently, to create a roadmap, procedures including laboratory blood tests, heavy metal blood tests, live blood analysis, body analysis, general medical examination, and genetic testing (optional) are conducted to ensure that you receive the optimum service possible.

Dietitian Follow-up 

Your current diet, lifestyle and eating habits all have a significant effect on the health and appearance of your skin. Our dietitians, who are experts in their fields, prepare nutrition programs in accordance with your specific needs and goals, and make various supplement recommendations. A nutritional program that is rich in vitamins A, C, E, and K, as well as foods with antioxidant features, will allow you to achieve a younger and brighter appearance while maintaining a healthy body. 

Multipass Ozone Therapy

The areas of application of ozone therapy are expanding day by day, and treatments can now be applied in a single session through Multipass Ozone Therapy, which stimulates your body’s natural healing process.  In this way, any fine lines and wrinkles are repaired, the skin texture and tone are balanced, and the miraculous power of ozone is used to reveal your natural facial beauty through the removal of toxins.

Infrared Light Therapy

Infrared Light Therapy utilizes infrared light to stimulate collagen production, improve skin elasticity, and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. By penetrating deep into the skin’s layers, it promotes cellular regeneration and rejuvenation, resulting in a firmer, more youthful complexion without the need for surgery. Our package harnesses the power of Infrared Light Therapy to help clients achieve a natural and non-invasive facial transformation, restoring their confidence and enhancing their overall appearance.

Dermal Filler

There are various reasons for the loss of natural fullness and the deterioration of contours, such as aging, illness, injury and environmental factors. The fillers professionally applied by our clinic restore the natural vitality of your face, and poor appearances caused by wrinkles and lines are eliminated. Since the fillers we use have natural ingredients, they can be easily accepted by your skin after rejuvenation interventions. 

Silk Peel Treatment

By gently removing dead skin cells and impurities, while simultaneously infusing nourishing serums, Silk Peel helps to improve skin texture, tone, and hydration. It is a non-invasive and highly effective method for reducing fine lines, addressing acne concerns, and enhancing overall skin health.

Liquid Face Lifting

By strategically placing these substances, we can lift and rejuvenate the face, effectively minimizing wrinkles, sagging, and hollow areas. Liquid Face Lifting offers our clients a non-invasive, yet highly impactful, solution for achieving a more youthful and refreshed appearance.

Face Lifting Manipulation

Manual interventions are applied into your skin through a painless, non-surgical and rapid procedure, stimulating blood flow, reducing swelling and edema, and increasing the production of collagen in the skin. As a result, your skin takes on a tighter and more elastic form, while sagging and hollow areas are reduced, leaving you with a young and lively face. 

Non-surgical Face Lift (Biostimulation and Thread Lift – If suitable)

Having gained popularity in the field of medical aesthetics in recent years, the Non-surgical Face Lift procedure is applied to contour your face and put an end to saggy appearances through a specially designed thread placed under the skin. The Non-surgical Face Lift has been found to achieve highly successful results for the treatment of neck sagging, and for eyebrow lifting, and the removal of wrinkles from around the eyes and upper lip. Extremely natural and remarkable results can be achieved in a single session.

Hair & Nail Cocktail 

Hair & Nail Cocktail combines specialized supplements, vitamins, and nutrients to promote hair and nail health, which in turn enhances the overall aesthetic appeal of the face. By nourishing and strengthening hair and nails, this cocktail helps to complement and accentuate the results of facial rejuvenation procedures, creating a more harmonious and polished appearance.

Glutathione 600

Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that is produced naturally in the body and helps to protect cells from the damage caused by free radicals and toxins. Glutathione provides strong support to the Non-surgical Face Reconstruction Package, and is injected directly into your circulatory system via the IV Advanced+ method, thus reducing the production of the melanin hormone, which disrupts skin tone balance. The detox effect provided by glutathione improves your skin’s health and helps in the reduction of acne, pale complexions and other skin problems. 

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that is a key component of our skincare applications, as it helps to brighten the complexion, improve skin texture, and stimulate collagen production. By neutralizing free radicals and promoting cell turnover, Vitamin C assists in reducing the signs of aging, such as fine lines, dark spots, and uneven skin tone.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Non-Surgical Face Reconstruction Package is a cutting-edge solution designed to restore a youthful and radiant appearance without the need for invasive surgery. This comprehensive package offers rapid and highly effective results through a combination of advanced medical procedures and natural therapies.

 The Non-Surgical Face Reconstruction Package is ideal for individuals who:

  • Seek to regain their youthful and vibrant appearance without surgical interventions.
  • Experience concerns like fine lines, wrinkles, sagging skin, and uneven skin tones.
  • Desire a youthful and lively complexion.
  • Want to achieve lasting results by combining medical and natural treatments.
  • Are looking to refresh the outcomes of previous surgical procedures.
  • Have skin damage caused by factors such as sun exposure, pollution, and stress.
  • Prefer a quicker recovery process compared to traditional surgical options.

 To begin your journey with the Non-Surgical Face Reconstruction Package, simply request a call back by providing your name, surname, email, phone number, and a message outlining how we can assist you. We prioritize your privacy and adhere to our Privacy Policy. At Medexa CVK Clinic, our commitment lies in utilizing modern medicine to enhance your quality of life through regenerative, rejuvenative, and reconstructive approaches.

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