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Jet Lag Pack

The Jet Lag package for long-distance travelers rapidly regulates your circadian rhythm, improving the quality of your travel and sightseeing experiences and facilitating effective recovery with therapies and procedures that take only one day.

Session Count
Back to Work / Day
Full Result / Month
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Impact Duration

Jet Lag Pack

The circadian rhythm controls not only the time of sleeping, but also many other life cycles. The circadian rhythm, which tells us when to sleep and when to wake up, is disrupted for a short period of time when we travel to countries with different time zones. This disruption manifests as fatigue, difficulty falling asleep, problems with anger management, headaches and digestive issues, turning an enjoyable trip into a nightmare that can last for a few days or weeks. 

The Jet Lag package for long-distance travelers rapidly regulates your circadian rhythm, improving the quality of your travel and sightseeing experiences and facilitating effective recovery with therapies and procedures that take only one day.  

Drawing upon the knowledge of specialized doctors and nutritionists, and taking advantage of the revitalizing effects of ozone as well as vitamin, mineral and antioxidant cocktails, the Jet Lag package is an extremely powerful instrument that adjusts your body’s biological clock to the present moment.

Who Can Benefit from the Package?

  • Those who wish to minimize the risk of jet lag before travel,
  • Those seeking the elimination of jet lag problems experienced after a long flight with fast, effective and natural methods,
  • Those who wish to unwind and relax while reducing stress levels,
  • Those experiencing sleeping problems, headaches and digestive problems,
  • Put simply, anyone who wishes to improve their travel experience and enjoy the moment can benefit from the Jet Lag Package.

What Does the Package Include?

Doctor Consultation

Specialist doctors make a detailed assessment of your current health condition and complaints, and carry out all the necessary planning to ensure the best results from the package. In this direction, they both identify the effects of post-flight Jet Lag on your body and guide you all the way to the end of the package to remedy these effects in the most effective way, and reduce the Jet Lag risk before the flight with the right methods. The doctor consultation includes laboratory blood tests, heavy metal blood tests, live blood analyses, body analyses, general medical examinations and genetic testing (optional).


Dietitian Follow-up

Experienced dietitians provide you with special nutritional programs and supplements to minimize the effects of jet lag, helping you feel better before the flight with plans that support relaxation and that aid sleep, while also advising you on the optimum nutrition after the flight.

Multipass Ozone Therapy

Ozone gas, the benefits of which are well known, increase the oxygen levels in your body in support of the repair and regeneration process, and have provided extremely effective results in the treatment of such problems as fatigue, tension and mental cloudiness. Multipass Ozone Therapy provides your body with everything it needs to address these problems in just one session.

Physiotherapist Evaluation

Jetlag often leads to muscle stiffness, reduced mobility, and overall discomfort due to prolonged periods of inactivity during flights. Our skilled physiotherapists assess each client’s specific needs, conducting thorough evaluations to pinpoint areas of muscular tension and reduced flexibility. Through a tailored approach, they create personalized exercise and stretching routines to alleviate jetlag-induced physical symptoms and promote a faster recovery.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) can be positioned as a promising solution for travelers looking to mitigate the effects of jetlag. HBOT, a medical treatment involving pure oxygen in a pressurized chamber, offers important benefits in terms of reducing jetlag symptoms and helping individuals feel more refreshed after long flights. By harnessing the power of increased oxygen levels and pressure, it aids in quicker adjustment to new time zones, ultimately promoting alertness and well-being.

Whole Body Cryotherapy

Whole-body cryotherapy (WBC) offers an innovative and effective solution to combat the physical and mental challenges induced by long-haul travel.WBC involves exposure to extremely cold, typically for a short duration, which triggers a natural anti-inflammatory response in the body. This process helps reduce muscle tension, rejuvenates the circulatory system, and boosts the release of endorphins, which combat jetlag-related fatigue and improve mood.

Physiotherapist Practices

Jetlag can lead to muscle stiffness, reduced mobility, and overall physical discomfort due to extended periods of inactivity during flights. Our experienced physiotherapists conduct comprehensive evaluations and apply targeted therapeutic techniques to address these issues. By integrating physiotherapist practices into our package, we ensure that travelers can swiftly regain their physical well-being, allowing them to fully enjoy their destination by feeling more agile and comfortable.

Face and Neck Lift Manipulation

In our jetlag package, we not only eliminate the problems caused by jetlag but also apply effective techniques that will help you achieve impressive and vibrant beauty. In this line, Face and Neck Lift Manipulation offers a range of aesthetic benefits and a more youthful appearance by reducing wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin. It helps redefine facial and neck contours, resulting in a smoother and more rejuvenated look. Additionally, it addresses concerns like jowls and loose skin, contributing to an overall more youthful and refreshed appearance without the need for invasive surgery.


The NADH coenzyme, which plays a crucial role in energy production, is administered directly into your bloodstream via the IV Advanced method, providing an instant boost to your body’s energy level and helping you overcome problems such as fatigue and headaches.

Myer’s Cocktail

Myer’s Cocktail is a valuable addition to our jetlag package, providing essential support in combating the physical and mental toll that long-haul travel often inflicts on the body. Myer’s Cocktail, an intravenous nutrient therapy, delivers a mix of vitamins and minerals directly into the bloodstream, rapidly replenishing essential nutrients and rehydrating the body. This infusion not only boosts energy levels but also enhances overall well-being, helping travelers recover more quickly from jetlag’s adverse effects.

Vitamin B Complex

Vitamin B Complex plays a pivotal role in our jetlag package, addressing the physical and mental fatigue that frequently accompanies long-distance travel. The inclusion of vitamin B complex in our package provides a rapid and effective solution. This blend of essential B vitamins helps to boost energy levels, improve mental clarity, and enhance overall well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Jet Lag Package is a specialized offering by Medexa CVK Clinic designed to rapidly regulate your circadian rhythm after long-distance travel. It aims to improve the quality of your travel experience by addressing jet lag symptoms through various therapies and procedures in just one day.

The circadian rhythm, which controls sleep-wake cycles, gets disrupted when we travel to different time zones. This disruption results in symptoms like fatigue, difficulty falling asleep, headaches, and digestive issues, collectively known as jet lag. The Jet Lag Package is designed to counter these symptoms and adjust your biological clock efficiently.

  • The Jet Lag Package is suitable for:
  • Those seeking to minimize jet lag risks before travel.
  • Travelers looking for fast, effective, and natural methods to alleviate post-flight jet lag.
  • Individuals wishing to reduce stress levels and unwind.
  • People experiencing sleeping problems, headaches, and digestive issues due to travel.
  • Anyone looking to enhance their travel experience and enjoy the moment.

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