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Musculoskeletal Pain Management

Musculoskeletal pain, which reduces quality of life and limits the enjoyment we take from the activities we love, and negatively affects our bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons and joints.

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Musculoskeletal Pain Management

Musculoskeletal pain, which reduces quality of life and limits the enjoyment we take from the activities we love, and negatively affects our bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons and joints. Such pains can develop in any part of the body, including the neck, back, shoulders, hips, knees and feet, and may be short-term (acute) or localized, and can become chronic.

Medexa Clinic takes care of your body through a holistic medical approach with the Musculoskeletal Pain Management Package that has been developed to respond to all these problems, effectively and rapidly, and improves your quality of life by helping you get rid of pain through its multi-faceted treatment procedures.

Who Can Benefit from the Package?

  • Those who wish to manage the pain that occurs after regular physical activities such as sports and exercise,
  • Those with such problems as muscle tension, and neck, back and shoulder pain, resulting from spending long hours at a desk,
  • Those who experience joint pain, joint stiffness and restricted mobility due to cramps,
  • Those with such diseases as arthritis, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis and muscle contraction,
  • Those who have recently had an accident resulting in a sprain, strain or pulled muscle.

What Does the Package Include?

Doctor Consultation

Your suitability for the package will be comprehensively assessed during a consultation with a doctor. To determine the type, severity and underlying cause of pain, your health and medication history and lifestyle are meticulously analyzed and all necessary tests are performed. The doctor consultation includes laboratory blood tests, heavy metal blood tests, live blood analyses, body analyses, general medical examinations and genetic testing (optional).

Dietitian Follow up

Based on the knowledge that nutrition plays a vital role in pain management, our expert dietitians prepare special nutritional programs for you for the alleviation of your pain, reduce the rate of inflammation in your body and increase the effectiveness of the implemented treatment. This consultation aims not only to relieve your pain, but also to improve your overall health and quality of life. 

Assessment by Physiotherapist 

The physiotherapist assessment is an important part of the process, providing an understanding of the underlying causes and the effects of your pain. Our experienced physiotherapists carry out a comprehensive assessment to determine the source and type of pain, to evaluate range of motion and to create an appropriate treatment plan. Such assessments usually include an examination of pain locations, mobility, posture and overall musculoskeletal health. 

Multipass Ozone Therapy

Multipass Ozone Therapy leverages the therapeutic properties of ozone to alleviate pain and promote healing in musculoskeletal conditions. By administering ozone gas in a controlled and precise manner, it stimulates oxygenation and circulation in the affected areas, reduces inflammation, and supports tissue repair. The process involves multiple passes of ozone-infused oxygen, which enhances its effectiveness in targeting pain and discomfort associated with conditions such as arthritis, herniated discs, and muscle injuries. Patients often experience relief from their symptoms, improved mobility, and an overall enhancement in their quality of life.

Physiotherapist Practices

Our skilled and experienced physiotherapists work closely with patients to provide tailored treatment plans aimed at alleviating musculoskeletal pain and improving overall function. Through a combination of manual techniques, our physiotherapists address the root causes of pain and dysfunction, helping individuals regain strength, flexibility, and mobility.

Cupping Therapy

In Cupping Therapy, which has been practiced for thousands of years and continues to be an effective approach to the management of pain, special small cups are placed on various parts of the body. By gently pulling at the skin and tissues under the skin, these cups stimulate blood circulation, relax muscles, reduce inflammation and relieve pain. Aside from helping to accelerate the body’s natural healing process, Cupping Therapy eliminates severe pain and improves quality of life. 

Stem Cell Treatment / Ultimus S.P.G.F. (If necessary)

Stem Cell Treatment harnesses the regenerative potential of stem cells to promote tissue repair and reduce pain in musculoskeletal conditions. By introducing stem cells into the affected areas, the body’s natural healing processes are activated, aiding in the repair of damaged tissues and promoting long-term recovery. Ultimus S.P.G.F. (Sequential Platelet Growth Factor) complements this approach by utilizing concentrated growth factors from a patient’s blood to further stimulate tissue healing and regeneration. Together, these innovative therapies offer a holistic and cutting-edge solution for musculoskeletal pain management, aiming to not only alleviate symptoms but also address the underlying causes, ultimately enhancing the quality of life for individuals.

Infrared Light Therapy

Infrared Light Therapy plays a significant role in our Musculoskeletal Pain Management package. This non-invasive and drug-free modality utilizes the therapeutic properties of infrared light to alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and promote the healing of musculoskeletal conditions. By delivering specific wavelengths of light deep into the affected tissues, it enhances blood circulation, cellular metabolism, and the production of endorphins, which can effectively relieve pain and stiffness associated with conditions like arthritis, muscle strains, and joint injuries.

Pain Mesotherapy

Pain mesotherapy, a minimally invasive and targeted therapy, involves the injection of a customized mixture of medications, vitamins, and natural substances directly into the affected areas of the musculoskeletal system, such as joints or muscles. The tailored formulation helps to reduce inflammation, alleviate pain, and facilitate tissue repair. By precisely targeting the source of discomfort, pain mesotherapy provides effective relief for conditions like osteoarthritis, tendonitis, and other musculoskeletal issues. 

Vitamin B Complex

The combination of B vitamins, including B1 (thiamine), B6 (pyridoxine), and B12 (cobalamin), is integral to the support and maintenance of a healthy musculoskeletal system. These vitamins contribute to nerve health, muscle function, and the overall well-being of the musculoskeletal structure. They are particularly crucial in managing conditions like neuropathic pain, muscle cramps, and overall musculoskeletal health. By ensuring an adequate supply of these vitamins, our treatment package enhances the body’s ability to repair and maintain the musculoskeletal system, providing patients with comprehensive and effective pain management.

ALA 600

ALA, or Alpha-Lipoic Acid, is a potent antioxidant that serves as a valuable component in addressing musculoskeletal pain. Its role is particularly significant in managing conditions such as neuropathy, osteoarthritis, and other musculoskeletal disorders. ALA helps mitigate pain and inflammation by reducing oxidative stress and improving nerve function.

Vitamin D (If necessary)

Vitamin D is a key component in maintaining bone health and the overall functionality of the musculoskeletal system. Adequate levels of vitamin D are essential for calcium absorption, which is crucial for bone strength and density. In cases of musculoskeletal pain, such as osteoarthritis or bone-related conditions, ensuring optimal vitamin D levels becomes paramount. Vitamin D via the IV method in our package aims to not only alleviate pain but also to support long-term musculoskeletal health by promoting bone integrity, reducing the risk of fractures, and enhancing overall mobility and comfort.


Selenium is an essential mineral that is instrumental in various aspects of musculoskeletal health, primarily by supporting the body’s antioxidant defenses. Selenium aids in protecting joints and muscles from oxidative damage, reducing inflammation, and improving overall tissue repair. By bolstering the body’s defense mechanisms, selenium can effectively alleviate pain associated with musculoskeletal conditions, including arthritis and muscle injuries.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Musculoskeletal Pain Management Package offered by Medexa CVK Clinic is a holistic medical approach to effectively and rapidly alleviate various forms of musculoskeletal pain. The package includes multi-faceted treatment procedures designed to improve the quality of life by addressing pain issues comprehensively.

The package is suitable for individuals who experience pain after regular physical activities, muscle tension from prolonged desk work, joint pain, stiffness, and mobility issues, as well as those with conditions like arthritis, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, and muscle contraction. It’s also helpful for individuals recovering from accidents resulting in sprains, strains, or pulled muscles.

The package includes:

  • Doctor consultation: Comprehensive assessment of your pain and health history.
  • Dietitian follow-up: Customized nutritional programs to alleviate pain and reduce inflammation.
  • Assessment by physiotherapist: Evaluation of pain sources, range of motion, and treatment planning.
  • Cupping therapy: Application of special cups to stimulate blood circulation, relax muscles, and relieve pain.
  • Trigger point therapy: Targeted techniques to address tension in specific muscle points causing pain.
  • Neural therapy: Injection of small doses of anesthetics to restore normal nervous system function and reduce pain.
  • Tens electrode therapy: Application of low-level electrical currents to block pain signals and stimulate pain relief.
  • Analgesic cocktail drink: Specially designed drink with anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxant properties to reduce pain severity.

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