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Anti-aging Engineering Program

In the Anti-aging Engineering Program, different procedures, technologies, and treatments are applied to reverse the aging process, bringing together the latest advances in the medical field.

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Anti-aging Engineering Program

In the Anti-aging Engineering Program, different procedures, technologies, and treatments are applied to reverse the aging process, bringing together the latest advances in the medical field. In this unique program, highly innovative approaches are applied to counter the biological and environmental factors that cause aging, addressing everything from your skin, hair, overall health, nutrition, and cellular regeneration with a revolutionary approach to regenerative medicine.  Thus, it opens the doors to a young, long, and healthy life by stimulating the regeneration and repair of cells that have lost their former vitality.  

For whom is the Program Suitable?

  • Those who wish to improve their general state of health,
  • Those with such skin problems as wrinkles and lines,
  •  Those with reduced skin elasticity,
  • Those who wish to increase their energy levels and overcome general tiredness,
  • Those who suffer from confusion, forgetfulness, and lack of attention,
  • Those who wish to improve their physical fitness,
  • Those whose vulnerabilities to various diseases have increased due to aging.

What Does the Program Include?

Doctor Consultation

The first step toward achieving your targeted results with the anti-aging engineering program is a consultation with a doctor, during which the needs of your body are determined in detail and a treatment plan is devised. During your consultation with the doctor, your suitability for the program is assessed through tests and scans, and the necessary sessions required for the achievement of effective results are planned. The doctor consultation includes laboratory blood tests, heavy metal blood tests, live blood analyses, body analyses, general medical examinations, and genetic testing (optional).

Dietitian Follow-up

External interventions are not enough for the achievement of a young, bright, and beautiful appearance. Dietitians trained in the field of genetics prepare nutrition programs based on your health status, physical characteristics, and lifestyle habits, and come up with a plan to help you achieve the desired results from the program, increase the effectiveness of all elements, and support your regeneration and rejuvenation process. 

Physiotherapist Evaluation

A physiotherapist’s evaluation is invaluable when it comes to the advantages of an anti-aging engineering program. This assessment helps identify an individual’s specific physical needs, allowing the program to be customized to target areas such as mobility, strength, and posture. 

Ultimus S.P.G.F. / Stem Cell

At Medexa CVK Clinic, we believe in the power of advanced anti-aging solutions. That’s why we harness the potential of Stem Cell therapy and Ultimus S.P.G.F. Stem Cells boast an incredible capacity for tissue rejuvenation and combating aging indicators, while Ultimus S.P.G.F. accelerates this process by harnessing the power of growth factors. In the capable hands of our expert team, these elements work together to increase skin quality, reduce wrinkles, and efficiently tackle age-related issues.

SPA Services

Spa services offer valuable benefits in the realm of anti-aging engineering. Applications like massages and Turkish baths enhance blood circulation, stimulate collagen production, and reduce stress, resulting in more youthful-looking skin. The relaxing spa environment promotes overall well-being and better sleep, key factors in slowing down the aging process. 

Lymphatic Drainage Therapy (with a Physiotherapist)

Lymphatic drainage therapy stimulates collagen production by accelerating your blood circulation and metabolism, reduces fine lines, corrects scars, and blemishes, and actively intervenes to tighten and revitalize your skin. Following lymphatic drainage therapy, performed professionally by physiotherapists, you will quickly notice how all the elements in the program find reflection in your body, with maximum comfort.

Multipass Ozone Therapy

Multipass Ozone Therapy increases both the oxygenation rate in the brain and the amounts of endorphins (happiness hormone) and melatonin (youth hormone) in the body. Antioxidant activities start in the cells, where they repair and remove the causes of damage. With Multipass Ozone Therapy, which has achieved highly successful results in eliminating the negative effects of aging through the detoxifying effect it offers to your cells, you can quickly achieve the results you deserve in just one session.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) offers notable benefits in anti-aging engineering. By exposing the body to increased oxygen levels under pressure, HBOT stimulates collagen production, reducing wrinkles and promoting skin elasticity. Additionally, it enhances cognitive function, mental clarity, and overall vitality, countering the effects of aging.

 Infrared Light Therapy

Infrared Light Therapy, a potent tool in anti-aging engineering, rejuvenates skin by stimulating collagen production, reducing wrinkles, and improving circulation. Its holistic approach extends to relieving muscle and joint discomfort, making it a versatile ally in the quest against the aging process.

Whole Body Cryotherapy

Cryotherapy, the exposure of the body to extreme cold for short durations, has many benefits for anti-aging. It primarily achieves this through the reduction of inflammation, a common contributor to age-related diseases. Cryotherapy stimulates collagen production, enhancing skin elasticity and appearance while also accelerating metabolism, aiding muscle recovery, and improving sleep quality; thus, it has a significant advantage in reversing the aging process.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C administered intravenously leaves your skin looking brighter, while supporting collagen production and protecting your skin from the harmful effects of the sun, after which effective interventions are carried out to eliminate the blemishes, acne, and wrinkles that occur over time. 

Vitamin D (If Necessary)

Vitamin D, often known as the ‘sunshine vitamin,’ is gaining attention for its potential anti-aging effects. It not only supports bone health but may also help protect against age-related conditions like osteoporosis, cardiovascular issues, and cognitive decline. Additionally, vitamin D has the potential to boost the immune system and reduce chronic inflammation, key factors in the aging process.


The more NADH contained in a cell, the more energy it can produce, the better it can function, and the longer it can live. NADH coenzymes are administered via the IV Advanced+ method to improve the low energy levels and losses of energy in cells associated with aging, and to reduce the risk of disease development.

Glutathione 600, 1200

Glutathione is one of the main molecules contributing to a young, beautiful, and healthy appearance. Glutathione clears the body of accumulated heavy metals and chemicals, supporting skin renewal and a healthy glow, but may decrease with aging and due to environmental and several other factors. The intravenous administration of Glutathione increases the detoxifying power of the skin, reduces pigments, and eliminates skin tone inequalities.


Acetylcysteine, an antioxidant, works by replenishing the body’s glutathione levels, a powerful molecule that plays a crucial role in neutralizing free radicals and oxidative stress, which are known to accelerate the aging process. By reducing cellular damage caused by these factors, acetylcysteine helps mitigate the visible signs of aging, such as fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots. Additionally, it aids in preserving overall tissue and organ health, contributing to a more youthful and vibrant appearance.

Beauty Cocktail

One of the most ingredient-rich procedures in the program, Beauty Cocktail supports the health, smoothness, and moisture capacity of your skin, improves skin elasticity, and protects your skin against free radicals.  It reduces the damage caused by the sun, as well as the negative effects of aging and smoking, and supplies the optimal dose of vitamins that cannot be taken orally directly into your bloodstream. In this way, the medium- and long-term results achieved with standard vitamin and mineral supports become noticeable following the first session.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Anti-aging Engineering Program is a comprehensive approach that employs various procedures, technologies, and treatments to reverse aging effects. It integrates cutting-edge medical advances to address skin, hair, overall health, nutrition, and cellular regeneration for a rejuvenated and healthier life.

The program is suitable for individuals looking to improve their general health, address skin problems like wrinkles and reduced elasticity, increase energy levels, overcome tiredness, enhance cognitive function, improve physical fitness, and reduce vulnerabilities to age-related diseases.

The program includes doctor consultations, personalized nutrition plans, lymphatic drainage therapy, Multipass Ozone Therapy, intravenous Vitamin C and NADH administration, Glutathione restoration, Beauty Cocktail procedures, and Ultimus S.P.G.F Therapy.

The program starts with a comprehensive doctor consultation to assess your needs, suitability, and create a tailored treatment plan. This involves tests, scans, and evaluations to determine the most effective path toward desired results.

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