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Blood Cleansing

Medexa CVK Clinic aims to increase the renewal of blood in individuals by paying due attention to the physiology of the blood that feeds all the organs, tissues, and cells, and to prevent disease by enriching its content.

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Blood Cleansing

The use and burning of oxygen by cells in the body result in the formation of residual toxic carbon dioxide, which must be got rid of as soon as possible. One of the most important tasks of blood is to distribute oxygen to the most remote parts of the body, where it collects the accumulated toxic carbon dioxide. Blood has many important functions besides supplying oxygen to tissues and collecting waste.  Blood transports nutrients, and helps vitamins, enzymes, and hormones reach their intended destinations. Blood also plays an important role in the body’s defense against infections.

Changing Life, Unchanging Beauty

In the fight against infections that occur, some blood cells work directly to destroy the germs, while others neutralize the germs by producing antibodies. If the blood becomes contaminated and thickened in the body for any reason, it cannot circulate easily and freely in the vessels, leading to problems of oxygen and nutrient deficiency, one after another, as well as loss of health and accelerated aging. In ancient times, physicians in various civilizations recognized the importance of cleansing the body, especially the blood, for human health and used various methods to accomplish this. 

Even today, medical practices in China, one of the oldest Far East civilizations, are based on such methods. In Chinese medicine, the main factor that keeps a person young, fit, and healthy is clean and high-quality blood. If harmful deposits, poisons, chemicals, or toxins get into the bloodstream, the quality of the blood decreases, and circulation declines. Weak blood circulation, in turn, leads to the onset of problems such as fatigue, premature aging, and illness. Eliminating problems related the blood contamination, therefore, raises the resistance of the body to illness by strengthening its defense system, and spurs rejuvenation by slowing down and even halting the aging process.

The Gold Standard when a Solution is Desired

It is a fact that healthy blood has a direct effect on the functioning of the body’s major organs, such as the heart, spleen, liver, kidneys, and lungs. Research has shown that the circulation in the capillaries is of vital importance in determining how long a person will live. Medexa Clinic aims to increase the renewal of blood in individuals by paying due attention to the physiology of the blood that feeds all the organs, tissues, and cells, and to prevent disease by enriching its content. With the Blood Cleansing Program, it supports regeneration and rejuvenation, paving the way for a long and healthy life. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Blood Cleansing is the process of removing residual toxic carbon dioxide and contaminants from the blood. It plays a crucial role in maintaining oxygen distribution, nutrient transportation, immune function, and overall health.

Blood contains cells that directly combat germs and produce antibodies to neutralize them. Clean and high-quality blood is essential to support the body’s immune response and prevent illness.

Contaminated and thickened blood can hinder proper circulation, leading to oxygen and nutrient deficiencies, health issues, accelerated aging, fatigue, and other problems.

Ancient civilizations recognized the importance of blood cleansing for health. Even today, practices in traditional Chinese medicine emphasize the significance of clean, high-quality blood for overall well-being.

Clean and healthy blood circulation contributes to a youthful appearance and vitality. Blood free from harmful deposits and toxins supports the body’s defense system and slows down the aging process.

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