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Fat Burning & Weight Loss Program

The Fat Burning & Weight Loss program has been developed based on the latest research in nutrition, exercise and healthy weight loss.

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Fat Burning & Weight Loss Program

Losing weight and burning fat can be challenging, but with the right program, it is possible to reach your goals in a healthy and sustainable way. If you are seeking a weight loss and fat-burning program that really does the trick, look no further than the Fat Burning & Weight Loss Program.

The Fat Burning & Weight Loss program has been developed based on the latest research in nutrition, exercise, and healthy weight loss. Recognizing that weight loss is not just about burning calories or sweating it out in the gym, the program begins with a comprehensive assessment of your current health status and goals. Your fat and carbohydrate intake is planned in a way that is fully in line with your genetic characteristics, and a goal-oriented roadmap is drawn up after determining in advance how your body will react to calorie loss. By following a highly effective plan that is suited to your genetic predispositions, individual needs and lifestyle, all the elements you need to achieve the body of your dreams are provided.

For whom is the Program Suitable?

  • Those who wish to get rid of excess weight, 
  • Those who have too much body fat,
  • Those who have metabolic disorders,
  • Those who have high cholesterol and blood pressure,
  • Those who lead a sedentary life, and
  • Anyone who wants to improve their overall health.

What Does the Program Include?

Doctor Consultation

Specialized doctors perform heavy metal and live blood analyses, body analyses, general medical examinations, and genetic testing (optional), and comprehensively assess your suitability for the Fat Burning & Weight Loss Program. By raising your needs, demands, and expectations to the highest priority, they provide the necessary guidance at every step of your journey to a healthier body. 


Dietitian follow-up

Experienced dietitians and health professionals create personalized nutrition programs tailored to your unique needs and goals with the awareness that the key to healthy weight loss and fat-burning lies in adopting balanced and sustainable dietary habits.

Physiotherapist Evaluation 

Our experienced physiotherapists meticulously assess your range of motion, posture, musculoskeletal health, and overall physical condition to facilitate healthy and sustainable weight loss. Throughout the program, they provide the professional support necessary for you to effectively shed excess fat and achieve your weight-loss goals.

Lymphatic Drainage Therapy (with a physiotherapist)

Lymphatic drainage therapy plays a key role in the removal of toxins and the reduction of inflammation, thus promoting healthy weight loss. Using specialized techniques, experienced therapists help you to accelerate the natural detoxification process of the lymphatic system while supporting you in the achievement of healthy weight loss, thus contributing to the reduction of excess fat, edema, and bloating.

Infrared Light Therapy

Infrared Light therapy utilizes infrared light to penetrate the skin, stimulating the body’s natural metabolic processes and aiding in the breakdown of fat cells. Increasing blood circulation and promoting the release of stored toxins, not only accelerates the burning of calories but also supports the elimination of waste products, contributing to weight loss.

Whole Body Cryotherapy

Cryotherapy involves exposing the body to extremely cold, triggering a range of physiological responses. The intense cold stimulates the body’s metabolism, causing it to work harder to maintain its core temperature. As a result, extra calories are burned during and after the cryotherapy session.

Multipass Ozone Therapy

Multipass Ozone Therapy involves administering ozone gas into the body, which can enhance metabolism and facilitate the breakdown of fats. By increasing oxygen utilization and circulation, it promotes efficient calorie burning and the elimination of toxins, thereby aiding in weight loss. Multipass Ozone Therapy also supports overall detoxification, which is crucial for shedding excess weight and can help reduce inflammation, improving the body’s response to exercise.

Fat Reducing with Regional Ozone Therapy

This therapy involves applying ozone to specific areas of the body, targeting localized fat reduction. It effectively breaks down fat cells, contributing to the reduction of stubborn, localized fat deposits. This method is especially effective for contouring problematic areas.

SPA Services

Our SPA offers a diverse range of services, including Bali Massage, Four Hands Massage, Classic Swedish Massage, Anti-Stress Massage, Shiatsu Massage, Thai Massage, and Aromatherapy Massage, all of which are integral components of our holistic fat-burning and weight Loss program. These therapeutic massages not only promote relaxation and reduce stress but also play a crucial role in enhancing circulation, reducing muscle tension, and improving metabolism. Through these SPA services, we aim to stimulate the body’s natural fat-burning processes, accelerate the elimination of toxins, and aid in overall weight loss efforts. Fat Reduction with Enzymatic Mixture

Cardio Exercise

With our exercises that boost your blood circulation and assist in efficiently burning fat, you can maintain sustainable and healthy weight loss while keeping your cardiovascular health in check.

Vitamin B Complex

The vitamin B complex plays an important role in supporting our fat-burning and weight-loss programs. This complex is involved in converting food into energy by aiding in the breakdown of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. The vitamin B complex helps the body utilize nutrients efficiently, ensuring that the energy derived from food is used effectively and enhancing the fat-burning process during physical activity.

ALA 600

Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) can be found in a variety of foods, including spinach, broccoli, and meat, and is naturally produced by our bodies. Alpha-lipoic acid has been studied for its potential benefits and has been found to act as a powerful antioxidant that regulates blood sugar levels and helps improve insulin sensitivity, which is a key factor in the promotion of fat burning. 

Glutathione 600,1200

Glutathione, which is administered by IV method under the Fat Burning & Weight Loss program, can help you lose weight and build muscle. Glutathione helps your liver to eliminate toxins, supports the burning of fat cells in your body, strengthens your immune system, and provides effective protection against disease, while also improving your sleep, memory, and muscles.


Selenium, by safeguarding cells and tissues from harmful free radicals, contributes to overall metabolic health. Furthermore, selenium supports the thyroid gland’s function by aiding in the conversion of inactive thyroid hormone (T4) to its active form (T3). A well-functioning thyroid is crucial for regulating metabolism and energy expenditure.

Fat Burning Cocktail

The fat-burning cocktail is designed to aid fat loss and weight management by delivering a mix of vitamins, amino acids, and nutrients directly into the bloodstream. It can provide a rapid infusion of essential nutrients, leading to effective results in weight management. This cocktail contains ingredients that support metabolism, which can enhance the body’s ability to burn fat efficiently. Additionally, they help increase energy levels, improve overall nutrient absorption, and promote better hydration.

 Vitamin D (If necessary)

Vitamin D, which plays a main role in regulating insulin sensitivity, appetite, and fat storage-related hormones, is administered directly into the bloodstream with the IV Advanced+ method. Thus, the effect of the elements included in the program is strengthened, and the weight loss process is supported.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Fat Burning & Weight Loss Program is a comprehensive approach to weight loss and fat burning that incorporates the latest research in nutrition, exercise, and healthy weight loss. It’s designed to help individuals achieve their weight loss goals in a sustainable and effective manner.

The program starts with a thorough assessment of your health status and goals. Your genetic characteristics are taken into account to tailor your fat and carbohydrate intake, ensuring a plan that aligns with your body’s unique responses to calorie loss.

The program is suitable for individuals who wish to lose excess weight, reduce body fat, address metabolic disorders, manage high cholesterol and blood pressure, lead a healthier lifestyle, and improve overall well-being.

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