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Super Immune Booster Program

The Super Immune Booster program provides you with a variety of vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, and micronutrients in IV Advanced that boost your immune system and improve your overall health.

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Super Immune Booster Program

The Super Immune Booster program provides you with a variety of vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, and micronutrients in IV Advanced that boost your immune system and improve your overall health. The program combines the rejuvenating and regenerating benefits of ozone therapy that make the targeted results more permanent with lymphatic drainage massage, bringing together all the elements you need to get the best results in a short time.

So, what makes Super Immune Booster different from other immunity-boosting programs? The Super Immune Booster is a special program that addresses your entire immune system, providing targeted support in the healthiest possible way. It is designed in a completely goal-oriented way to increase your energy and quality of life while strengthening your natural defense mechanism against disease.

For whom is the Program Suitable?

The Super Immune Booster Program is a special regenerative treatment program designed for:

  • Those suffering from chronic fatigue,
  • Those who work in stressful and fast-paced jobs,
  • Those who are susceptible to frequent illnesses,
  • Those with low blood values and vitamin levels, and
  • Those who suffer from mental fatigue.

What Does the Program Include?

Doctor Consultation

To ensure you obtain the maximum benefit from the program, the specific needs of your body are determined by specialist doctors, your suitability for the program is comprehensively assessed and the necessary plans are made. The consultation with a doctor includes laboratory blood tests, heavy metal blood tests, live blood analyses, body analyses, general medical examinations, and genetic testing (optional).

Dietitian Follow – up

Dietitians who are experts in their fields prepare healthy eating plans in a special way with alkaline, medical, and healthy nutrition methods.  By providing you with information about proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle routines, the Super Immune Booster reinforces every therapeutic element in the program. 

Physiotherapist Evaluation

A physiotherapist assessment is a substantial component of the Super Immune Booster program, ensuring participants are physically prepared for the journey. These assessments pinpoint any musculoskeletal issues and offer personalized exercise guidance, optimizing the program’s effectiveness.

 Lymphatic Drainage Therapy (with a physiotherapist)

Lymph Drainage Therapy in the Super Immune Booster program promotes lymphatic system activity, facilitating toxin removal, reducing inflammation, and improving immune cell efficiency. Thus, it improves quality of life by providing a stronger immune system. 

Multipass Ozone Therapy

Multipass Ozone Therapy expands on the benefits of the standard ozone therapy concept by delivering high doses of ozone gas to the body in a single session, strengthening the blood cleansing ability of your body, and activating the enzymes that increase antioxidant and detox capacity.

Whole Body Cryotherapy

Whole-body cryotherapy, with its brief exposure to extreme cold, significantly enhances the effectiveness of a Super Immune Booster program. This therapy stimulates white blood cell production, reduces inflammation, and improves overall well-being, making it a valuable method for a stronger immune system.

Cardio Exercise

Cardio exercises improve blood circulation, enable immune cells, and promptly identify and combat potential threats like viruses and bacteria. Moreover, cardio exercises help reduce chronic inflammation, a condition that weakens the immune system over time. Furthermore, they contribute to overall physical fitness, maintaining a healthy body weight, and reducing the risk of chronic illnesses, which further bolsters the immune system’s resilience.

SPA Services

Step into a world of wellness at the spa, wherein a diverse range of treatments awaits you, from the exotic Bali Massage to the soothing Aromatherapy Massage. Explore the synergy that exists between these services and our Super Immune Booster program. 

Vitamin C

Vitamin C offers many benefits, such as lowering blood pressure, strengthening the immune system and increasing iron absorption, and its effectiveness is increased when delivered to the body by the IV Advanced method. You are thus rapidly provided with an invisible and long-term shield.

Myers’ Cocktail

Myers’ Cocktail is prepared to strengthen your immune system and increase your body’s resistance to various diseases and infections, serving as an effective solution to such problems as chronic fatigue, asthma, migraine, and fibromyalgia.


Zinc, a vital micronutrient, plays a pivotal role in immune function by promoting the production and activation of immune cells, enhancing the body’s defense mechanisms against infections and illnesses. Medexa CVK Clinic maximizes all these effects by directly injecting zinc into your bloodstream.

ALA 600

Alpha Lipoic Acid is a key immune system booster, reducing diabetes complications, relieving inflammation, slowing memory loss, and minimizing risk to heart health.  In the Super Immune Booster Program, Alpha Lipoic acid is combined with Glutathione, Vitamin C, and NADH to provide 4-factor protection against disease and infection. 


NADH, the most powerful known antioxidant, repairs cell damage and damaged DNA, and contributes significantly to the synthesis of the ATP energy source. In this way, your immune system is supported, and your physical and cognitive functions are strengthened by increasing your brain’s memory, concentration, and learning functions. 


Selenium, a key component of the Super Immune Booster program, offers a range of significant advantages for overall health and immune system support. This essential antioxidant plays a vital role in bolstering the immune system by aiding in the production of antibodies and supporting the function of immune cells.

Glutathione 1200

Glutathione, one of the leading antioxidants, removes toxins and free radicals from the body and keeps the cells’ power plant running smoothly. In this way, the body is protected against such conditions as cancer, osteoporosis, heart disease and cognitive impairment. 

Vitamin D (If Necessary)

Vitamin D, which contributes to the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, plays a vital role in maintaining bone and muscle function while also contributing to the optimal functioning of the immune system. By enhancing the ability of immune cells to combat infections, it improves the quality of life, ultimately elevating the immune system’s effectiveness against various illnesses.

Methylcobalamin (B12)

Methylcobalamin (B12), a key component of the Super Immune Booster program, supports overall health and immune function by enhancing energy production, immune cell activity, and tissue repair. Methylcobalamin (B12), as part of the Super Immune Booster Program, provides a powerful defense against a variety of health challenges.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Super Immune Booster program is a specialized regimen that utilizes IV Advanced to deliver vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, and micronutrients, enhancing the immune system and overall health. It combines ozone therapy, lymphatic drainage massage, and more for targeted and lasting results.

The Super Immune Booster program uniquely focuses on the entire immune system, offering comprehensive support through a goal-oriented approach. It aims to increase energy, quality of life, and bolster the body’s natural defenses against diseases.

The program is tailored for individuals experiencing chronic fatigue, those in stressful and fast-paced jobs, frequent illness susceptibility, low blood values and vitamin levels, and mental fatigue.

The program comprises doctor consultation, personalized nutrition plans, Myers’ Cocktail, Multipass Ozone Therapy, NADH supplementation, Vitamin C administration, Glutathione restoration, Alpha Lipoic Acid integration, and medical massage.

The program initiates with a comprehensive doctor consultation, where specialists assess your body’s needs, suitability for the program, and create tailored plans. This involves various tests, analyses, and evaluations.

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