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Superior Brain Therapy Program

Our Superior Brain Therapy, referred to as the Program of Strong Leaders, has been specially developed to improve memory, increase concentration, and productivity, and protect brain health, considering the lifestyle and cognitive problems of the individual.

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Superior Brain Therapy Program

Our Superior Brain Therapy, referred to as the Program of Strong Leaders, has been specially developed to improve memory, increase concentration, and productivity, and protect brain health, considering the lifestyle and cognitive problems of the individual. Thanks to Superior Brain Therapy, which eliminates anxiety, depression, attention deficits, and memory problems, you will unleash your brain’s full potential by enhancing your thinking and attention abilities that impact every aspect of your life.

For whom is the Program Suitable?

  • Businesspersons who wish to improve their performance at work,
  • New-age leaders who want to maintain their concentration and utilize their minds in a versatile manner in fast-paced work environments,
  • Managers and scientists seeking to improve their academic performance,
  • Older adults who wish to maintain or improve their cognitive functioning,
  • People with various cognitive impairments,
  • Athletes who wish to improve their mental performance, and
  • those who wish to improve their overall quality of life.

What Does the Program Include?

Doctor Consultation

The doctor consultation includes a review of your medical history, a medication check, and a physical examination. After these procedures, all aspects of your brain health are assessed and various scans, tests, and examinations are carried out. These include laboratory blood tests, heavy metal blood tests, live blood analyses, body analyses, general medical examinations, and genetic testing (optional).

Dietitian Follow-up

With an awareness that nutrition is a basic requirement for a healthy and strong brain, the Superior Brain Therapy Program offers a dietitian follow-up service to support the efficacy of the offered treatments. Based on your test and examination results, dietitians prepare nutrition programs that are tailored to your specific needs and goals. Your brain health is boosted in the healthiest possible way with a sustainable, realistic nutrition plan that fits your lifestyle. 

Physiotherapist Evaluation

Physiotherapist Evaluation is a stage evaluating factors such as muscle strength, flexibility, and posture to help optimize physical well-being. Additionally, our physiotherapists contribute to preventing injuries and enhancing immune function through exercise and lifestyle recommendations.  

Lymphatic Drainage Therapy (with a physiotherapist)

In the Superior Brain Therapy program, lymphatic drainage therapy is implemented to help individuals achieve optimum brain health, for which the lymphatic system is stimulated, waste and toxins are removed, swelling is reduced, and blood circulation is improved, with positive effects on brain health and functioning. 

Multipass Ozone Therapy

Oxygen is essential for the healthy functioning of the brain, and a reduction of the oxygen supply to the brain for any reason can cause serious health problems. Multipass Ozone Therapy increases the amount of oxygen in your brain and blood, and therefore in your cells and tissues. Multipass Ozone Therapy is an effective method for the treatment of vascular blockages, depression, dementia, and various other neurological diseases.


Cryotherapy leverages extreme cold power to stimulate neurological processes and optimize brain function. During cryotherapy sessions, individuals are exposed to sub-zero temperatures, which triggers a cascade of physiological responses, including vasoconstriction and the release of endorphins. These responses are believed to enhance blood circulation, reduce inflammation, and promote the production of neurotrophic factors, ultimately supporting neuroplasticity and cognitive function.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is an innovative and non-invasive treatment that involves the administration of pure oxygen in a pressurized chamber, which allows the body to absorb significantly higher levels of oxygen than through normal respiration. This increased oxygen supply enhances the brain’s ability to heal and regenerate. By improving oxygen delivery to the brain, HBOT may promote neuroplasticity, reduce inflammation, and support the recovery process for individuals with various neurological conditions.

Infrared Light Therapy

Infrared light therapy stimulates the production of a vital cellular energy molecule called adenosine triphosphate (ATP) within brain cells through non-invasive and targeted transmission to specific light frequencies. This heightened ATP production promotes cellular repair processes, improves blood flow, and supports the removal of toxic waste products. As a result, it enhances neural plasticity and cognitive performance.

SPA Services

The comprehensive range of spa services, which encompasses Bali Massage, Four Hands Massage, Classic Swedish Massage, Anti-Stress Massage, Shiatsu Massage, Thai Massage, and Aromatherapy Massage, plays a supportive role in the Superior Brain Therapy program. These specialized massages are thoughtfully curated to not only promote physical relaxation but also to enhance mental well-being. Each massage technique is designed to alleviate stress, reduce tension, and thus enhance overall mental clarity and cognitive function.


NADH is a coenzyme that is particularly effective in reducing the factors that can lead to Alzheimer’s and dementia, and that increase with advancing age. NADH administered via the IV Advanced+ method offers such significant benefits as improved mental clarity, memory, and concentration. Studies have shown the beneficial effects of NADH coenzyme in the treatment of cognitive diseases. With NADH, your brain health is supported and all the necessary elements for ultimate protection are brought together. 

Vitamin B Complex

Vitamin B Complex, a key component of the Superior Brain Therapy program, supports brain health and improves cognitive function. Vitamin B regulates the production cycle of the chemicals that transmit signals in the brain and has provided highly effective results in the treatment of various health problems, such as fatigue, anxiety, migraine, and depression.


Selenium, with its antioxidant properties, has the potential to protect nerve cells by neutralizing free radicals in the body. This protection contributes to the enhancement of memory, focus, learning, and general cognitive functions.

ALA 600

ALA is known for its ability to neutralize harmful free radicals in the body, reducing oxidative stress that can lead to cognitive decline. By mitigating oxidative damage, ALA contributes to the preservation of neural cells and may aid in improving memory, concentration, and overall mental clarity. 

Vitamin D (If necessary)

Vitamin D is not just essential for maintaining bones but also for supporting overall brain function. It is known to regulate neurotrophic factors that aid in the growth of nerve cells, potentially enhancing learning and memory capabilities. Moreover, Vitamin D’s influence on mood regulation and its potential role in reducing the risk of cognitive decline makes it a valuable component of the Superior Brain Therapy program.

Glutathione 600

Our brains are vulnerable to oxidative stress caused by the imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in our bodies. These free radicals can damage our cells, leading to inflammation and chronic diseases. Glutathione protects cells from damage by neutralizing free radicals, and studies have shown that glutathione also helps to improve brain function and to reduce the symptoms of some neurological diseases. The application of glutathione via the IV Advanced+ method will provide you with a high level of protection in a healthy way.   

Vitamin B 12 Methylcobalamin

Methylcobalamin is a form of Vitamin B12 that plays a pivotal role in the functioning of the nervous system. Methylcobalamin offers several critical benefits, including promoting the growth and repair of nerve cells in the brain, helping reduce inflammation, and improving blood flow to the brain. Moreover, by supporting the production of chemicals that transmit signals between nerve cells, it contributes to the prevention of many health problems, such as dementia, attention deficit disorders, and impaired concentration. 

Frequently Asked Questions

The program is suitable for a wide range of individuals, including businesspersons aiming to improve work performance, leaders navigating fast-paced environments, academics, older adults seeking cognitive enhancement, people with cognitive impairments, athletes aiming for better mental performance, and anyone looking to elevate their quality of life.

To start the program, book a doctor consultation at Medexa Clinic. Our experienced medical professionals will assess your brain health, create a personalized treatment plan, and guide you through the process.

The program enhances memory, concentration, and brain health, helping you unlock your brain’s full potential. It addresses cognitive challenges and provides effective, natural solutions to improve various aspects of your life.

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