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Women’s Health Premium Program

Advanced treatments such as Ultimus S.P.G.F, Stem Cell, Cryotherapy, IV Advanced+, and Multipass Ozone are at your service in the Women’s Health Premium program, providing effective and long-lasting results in the improvement of sexual activity, vaginal rejuvenation, pregnancy problems, and uterine diseases.

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Women’s Health Premium Program

Advanced treatments such as Ultimus S.P.G.F, Stem Cell, Cryotherapy, IV Advanced+, and Multipass Ozone are at your service in the Women’s Health Premium program, providing effective and long-lasting results in the improvement of sexual activity, vaginal rejuvenation, pregnancy problems, and uterine diseases.

The Women’s Health Premium Program includes powerful procedures that eliminate sexual dysfunction, promote hormonal balance, enhance physical and mental performance, and treat a wide range of health conditions that are unique to women. Each element in the program is designed to bring unique advantages, with targeted content and high-quality components that deliver direct results. 

The program increases blood flow to the genital area, eliminates vaginal dryness, reduces the risk of inflammation, and addresses urinary incontinence and sexual satisfaction problems. Based on the awareness that sexual appeal is linked to individuals’ beautiful and impressive appearance, it benefits from special programs formulated with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can improve the appearance of skin, hair, and nails.

For whom is the Program Suitable?

  • Those who aspire to enhance their beauty and attractiveness by improving their appearance,
  • Those who wish to increase their happiness and satisfaction in their sex life,
  • Those who experience problems such as menopause, vaginal dryness, and low libido,
  • Those who experience hormonal imbalances, irregular menstruation, and acne-blemish problems in the genital area,
  • Those who experience stress-related sexual dysfunction, and
  • Those who have difficulty in reaching orgasm. 

What Does the Program Include?

Doctor Consultation

After a detailed examination to make a good start to the program and achieve the healthiest result, a comprehensive assessment is carried out regarding your medical history, current health status, medications you are taking, and predispositions.

Your concerns and expectations are then discussed and your suitability for the program is assessed. In this direction, doctor consultation includes laboratory blood tests, heavy metal blood tests, live blood analyses, body analyses, general medical examinations, and genetic testing (optional).

Dietitian Follow-Up

With the dietitian follow-up offered under the Women’s Health Premium program, nutrition programs are prepared to regulate your hormonal balance, reduce inflammation in your body, and eliminate vitamin and mineral deficiencies with various supplements. In this way, your weight management and sexual health are supported, and your overall health is brought to the desired level.

Physiotherapist Evaluation

During the physiotherapist evaluation phase, our specialized physiotherapists conduct a comprehensive assessment of your range of motion, posture, and physiological potential. They aim to increase the power of the program by providing lifestyle recommendations that complement the elements included in it and maximize the strength of the results you will achieve.

Lymphatic Drainage Therapy (with a physiotherapist)

Lymphatic Drainage Therapy focuses on stimulating the lymphatic system, which can have significant implications for women’s sexual well-being. By enhancing lymphatic circulation, LDT helps reduce swelling and inflammation in the pelvic region, improve blood flow, and alleviate discomfort. It is particularly beneficial for pelvic pain and overall sexual comfort.

SPA Services

Our wide range of spa services, which includes Bali Massage, Four Hands Massage, Classic Swedish Massage, Anti-Stress Massage, Shiatsu Massage, Thai Massage, Aromatherapy Massage, and more, plays an important role in our Women’s Health program, particularly in addressing sexual health. These treatments contribute to overall well-being by reducing stress, enhancing relaxation, and improving circulation.

Multipass Ozone Therapy

Multipass Ozone Therapy, which is included in the Women’s Health Premium program, is a highly effective and comfortable therapy that increases lubrication in the vagina, relieves pain experienced during intercourse, maximizes sexual pleasure and satisfaction by stimulating sensitivity in the genital area, and eliminates infections in the genital region through the activation of the body’s natural protection mechanism against inflammation. Medexa Clinic offers the miraculous benefits of ozone in a single session with Multipass Ozone, allowing you to quickly achieve the desired results. 

Whole Body Cryotherapy

Cryotherapy is a non-invasive, cutting-edge treatment that involves the application of extremely cold to the genital area, providing various benefits such as increased blood flow, enhanced sensitivity, and improved overall sexual satisfaction for women. By promoting better circulation and nerve function, cryotherapy can address issues related to sexual dysfunction, vaginal dryness, and discomfort during intercourse, ultimately contributing to a healthier and more fulfilling sex life for women. 

Genital Whitening (Optional)

Genital whitening, often referred to as intimate area lightening, has gained attention as a cosmetic procedure within the broader context of women’s sexual health programs. This procedure involves lightening the skin in the genital area, and it is often chosen by individuals looking to address concerns related to skin pigmentation or uneven coloration in their intimate regions. 

Ultimus S.P.G.F / Stem Cell for Genital Health

Ultimus S.P.G.F. and stem cell treatments have substantial advantages for women’s genital health. These treatments hold immense potential for addressing a myriad of issues related to women’s genital health, offering regenerative solutions for conditions such as low desire, sexual arousal disorder, diminishing ovarian reserve, orgasmic disorder, and painful sex. Consequently, these treatments harness the power of the body’s own cells to stimulate tissue repair and rejuvenation, providing women with improved sexual function and overall well-being.

Beauty Cocktail

Carefully prepared to provide you with healthy and good-looking skin, the Beauty Cocktail supports your immune function with nutrients such as Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and biotin, reduces the risk of infection, and makes you more attractive by making your skin look brighter and more vibrant. The Vitamin D and Zinc contained in the cocktail regulate your hormones, accelerate your blood flow, and improve the quality of your sex life. 

ALA 600

The ALA 600 antioxidant, which is administered using the IV Advanced+ method, helps to increase sensitivity and pleasure during intercourse by supporting neural functions, while also protecting cardiovascular health, increasing blood flow and enhancing sexual performance. ALA 600 is a powerful antioxidant that protects you from inflammation and germs and cleanses your body of toxins. In this way, it both increases the quality of your sex life and brings together all the factors that will make this quality sustainable for many years. 


Zinc is administered via the IV method as part of the Premium Women’s Health program and has many advantages for women’s health. Zinc maintains hormone levels at an optimal level, reduces the risk of infection, stimulates healthy egg development, and increases fertility. Through its antiviral and antibacterial properties, it prevents health-related problems that have the potential to negatively affect one’s sex life.

Glutathione 600, 1200

Glutathione, which provides indispensable support to the basic functions of our body, is an antioxidant that is very important in women’s sexual lives. Glutathione has the potential to increase fertility by protecting egg health and to prevent a range of sexual health problems by reducing inflammation and has the power to improve pale appearances in the genital area.  Glutathione, which is administered intravenously through the IV Advanced+ method, has both protective and therapeutic effects, supporting your body’s ability to regenerate and defend itself. 


Supporting the production of ATP, one of the primary sources of energy in the body, NADH makes important contributions to the treatment of sexual health problems with such basic functions as energy production and cellular repair. NADH eliminates the factors that negatively affect sexual life by reducing problems such as fatigue, anxiety, and lack of sexual drive.  By accelerating the circulation of blood, it both increases sensitivity during intercourse and improves sexual performance. Moreover, by supporting the immune system, it reduces the risk of infections that have the potential to negatively affect sexual health. 

Vitamin D (If necessary)

Vitamin D is known to have a direct impact on hormonal balance, including the regulation of estrogen and testosterone levels, which are crucial for maintaining healthy sexual function. Additionally, adequate levels of vitamin D are associated with improved mood and overall well-being, which can positively affect a woman’s sexual desire and satisfaction. Moreover, vitamin D is essential for maintaining a healthy immune system, reducing the risk of infections that can impact the genital and urinary tracts.  Medexa CVK Clinic administers vitamin D directly into your bloodstream using the IV Advanced+ method to maximize its potency and effectiveness.

Vitamin B Complex

The vitamin B complex plays a multifaceted role in supporting women’s sexual health. This group of vitamins is essential for various physiological functions, including the regulation of hormones and neurotransmitters that influence mood and sexual desire. B vitamins are also vital for maintaining a healthy nervous system, which is crucial for the transmission of sexual stimuli and sensations. Moreover, they support energy production, helping combat fatigue and ensuring women have the vitality for a satisfying sex life.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Women’s Health Premium Program is a comprehensive approach that offers advanced treatments such as Ultimus S.P.G.F, IV Advanced+, and Ozone. It addresses various women’s health concerns like sexual activity improvement, vaginal rejuvenation, pregnancy issues, and uterine diseases, providing effective and lasting results.

The program is suitable for individuals aiming to enhance beauty, attractiveness, and satisfaction in their sex life. It’s also designed for those experiencing issues like menopause, vaginal dryness, low libido, hormonal imbalances, stress-related sexual dysfunction, and more.

The program includes powerful procedures targeting sexual dysfunction, hormonal balance, physical and mental performance enhancement, and various health conditions unique to women. It utilizes treatments like Multipass Ozone Therapy, Glutathione, NADH, ALA 600, Zinc, and more for comprehensive results.

Multipass Ozone Therapy effectively addresses women’s sexual health concerns by increasing vaginal lubrication, relieving pain during intercourse, maximizing sexual pleasure, and eliminating infections through the activation of the body’s natural protection mechanism.

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