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Ultimate Beauty Package + Stem Cell

The latest technologies and techniques in the field of medicine have been brought together to provide you with lively, natural-looking, and flawless skin.

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Ultimate Beauty Package + Stem Cell

The latest technologies and techniques in the field of medicine have been brought together to provide you with lively, natural-looking, and flawless skin.  All our treatments, therapies, and methods are tailored to reveal your potential by eliminating skin problems, rejuvenating your skin from the inside out, and helping you achieve the appearance you dream of!

Who can benefit from the package?

  • The Ultimate Beauty Package + Stem Cell Package is suitable for anyone looking to:
  • get rid of fine lines and wrinkles;
  • increase the overall health and glow of the skin;
  • resolve problems such as acne, pigmentation and scars that negatively affect the appearance of the skin; and 
  • gain a younger and renewed appearance through completely natural approaches without surgery.

What does the package include?

Doctor Consultation

The doctor consultation includes detailed health examinations, tests and scans for the evaluation of all the factors that may affect your skin health to decide on the most appropriate package for your needs. The chance factor is thus eliminated through laboratory blood tests, heavy metal blood tests, live blood analyses, body analyses, general medical examinations and genetic tests (optional).  All the results of the services applied under the plan are followed closely.

Dietitian Follow-up 

To support your skin health, our dietitians actively intervene in your digestive system to give your skin a brighter and younger appearance. They support your avoidance of foods that cause inflammation and swelling, and offer all the necessary nutritional support for skin health, including various vitamin and mineral supplements.  They create nutrition programs that will strengthen all the treatments, therapies and applications included in the package that aim to reflect your beauty from the inside out, and make these programs sustainable by integrating them into your lifestyle. 


Recognized for its contributions to the reduction of oxidative stress, making the skin look bright, increasing collagen production and helping in the removal of toxins in the body, glutathione is an important component of the Ultimate Beauty Package + Stem Cell Package. By administering glutathione directly into the vein by the IV method, the problems of wrinkles, sagging and fine lines that occur with aging are eliminated. The treatment also reduces the negative effects of dark spots and hyperpigmentation caused by various factors, and intervenes effectively to provide you with a bright, balanced, and youthful appearance. 

Multipass Ozone Therapy

Multipass ozone therapy provides rapid recovery and healing by increasing the oxygen levels in your body and supports the healing of damaged skin by eliminating inflammation, resolving such problems as swelling and redness. Multipass Ozone therapy supports the rapid transfer of components that are vital for the skin to the relevant area and increases collagen production, leaving you looking 10 years younger after just one session. 


Skincare is a critical component of the Ultimate Beauty Package + Stem Cell Package, playing a critical role in the maintenance of healthy, glowing and beautiful-looking skin. Skincare applications remove dirt, oil and harmful substances from the skin, after which gentle and effective therapies are applied to aid the removal of dead skin cells and to heal your skin tissue. The procedure moisturizes your skin to a natural level, thus preventing excessive dryness. All of the skincare applications offered provide effective protection against UVA and UVB rays, which are extremely harmful to skin health. 

Alpha Lipoic Acid

Alpha lipoic acid is an antioxidant that has been shown to alleviate many of the problems and inflammation associated with aging and has a direct effect on skincare. It increases the peeling capacity of the skin, removes dead skin cells, and makes the skin look lively and bright. It is administered directly into the bloodstream with IV Advanced+, reducing wrinkles and fine lines and eliminating such problems as rubor and swelling.  

Vitamin C

The health and appearance of skin may be adversely affected by changes in various factors, such as sun, malnutrition, medication and aging. Injections of vitamin C directly into the body can balance your skin tone, brighten your skin, and prevent problems related to scarring and acne. Now is the perfect time to stimulate collagen production, get rid of pigmentation, and achieve a perpetually youthful appearance with the powerful support of Vitamin C in the Ultimate Beauty Pack + Stem Cell!

Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cells have a unique ability to differentiate into various types of cells and tissues, and when applied to the skin, they are quite capable of stimulating cell regeneration and aiding the growth of new and healthy skin cells. Stem cell therapies help eliminate redness in the skin, the problems of loss of elasticity that occur with aging, and sagging and wrinkles, providing permanent and impressive results in the fastest way possible. 

Facelift Application

Facelifting is a non-surgical facelifting procedure applied to the lower layers of the skin through the placing of threads that disappear over time. Facelifting applications tighten loose and sagging areas in the facial muscles and reveal the facial features apparently. 

Anti-aging Cocktail

Our anti-aging cocktail contains specially prepared ingredients to give your skin a youthful and bright appearance, to support your skin health, and to help you get rid of wrinkles. The IV Advanced method will ensure you to notice the difference even after a single session in which the cocktail is injected directly into the vein, providing you with the strongest support in reversing the effects of aging with the fastest method.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Ultimate Beauty Package is a comprehensive beauty enhancement solution that combines various premium treatments and services. It typically includes services such as facial treatments, skincare consultations, hair care, and other beauty-related services. For detailed information about the specific inclusions, please refer to the package details provided by our beauty professionals.

The Stem Cell treatment in the Ultimate Beauty Package leverages advanced technology to promote skin rejuvenation and revitalization. Stem cells have the potential to regenerate and repair damaged tissues, providing a natural and effective solution for anti-aging and enhancing skin quality. The treatment process involves the application of stem cell products to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes, resulting in improved skin texture, firmness, and overall radiance.

While Stem Cell treatments are generally considered safe, individual responses may vary. It’s essential to consult with our qualified professionals before undergoing the procedure to discuss any potential allergies, medical conditions, or concerns. Our team will provide thorough information on the treatment process, expected results, and address any specific questions or considerations based on your unique circumstances.

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