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Ultimus S.P.G.F.

Ultimus S.P.G.F. brings effective solutions to hair loss problems and can be applied both alone and in combination with other treatments.

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Ultimus S.P.G.F.

Ultimus S.P.G.F. plays an indispensable role in activating cell growth and repairing tissues, making use of the growth factors found in the naturally occurring proteins in our body.  Ultimus S.P.G.F., one of the most recent advances in the field of rejuvenative medicine, significantly increases the growth factors that become decreased for various reasons, including aging. Therefore, it improves skin texture and tone, eliminates signs of aging, and rejuvenates problematic areas without the need for surgical interventions. 

Below you can find a number of application areas in which Medexa Clinic draws upon the miraculous power of Ultimus S.P.G.F.:

Ultimus S.P.G.F. for Hair Loss

Ultimus S.P.G.F. brings effective solutions to hair loss problems and can be applied both alone and in combination with other treatments. Ultimus S.P.G.F. methods can be applied successfully to the reduction of hair loss, particularly in men, and uses the most advanced technologies in the field to support the formation and protection of healthy hair structures.  Ultimus S.P.G.F. treatment supports the formation of hair follicles, reduces hair loss, and strengthens hair, with extremely successful results. 

Aesthetic Ultimus S.P.G.F. Treatment

Skin ages because of the loss of some of its physical properties, as is the case with injuries. For this reason, in our practices aimed at rejuvenating skin, we actually imitate the activities initiated in our bodies for wound healing in various ways. Therefore, the structure that can effectively, quickly, and naturally repair damage to the skin is also part of the system in which the skin is included. Formulated based on this awareness, Ultimus S.P.G.F. treatment aims to increase the self-renewal capacity of the body. Ultimus S.P.G.F. can be applied for aesthetic purposes to all parts of the body, including:

  • the face,
  • neck,
  • chest,
  • hands,
  • inner legs and areas where cellulite has formed; and
  • arms.

Ultimus S.P.G.F. for the Treatment of Wrinkles and Sagging 

Our skin’s capacity to rejuvenate decreases because of aging, leading to wrinkles, sagging, cracks, and spots on our faces and bodies. Ultimus S.P.G.F. can successfully resolve all these problems by increasing the rejuvenation capacity of the skin.

Ultimus S.P.G.F. Treatment for Facial Rejuvenation 

When appropriate doses of ozone are added to the Ultimus S.P.G.F. solution, the platelets, which are the body’s healing cells, are activated, and the amount of growth hormone increases significantly, increasing the oxygen level in tissues.

Ozonated Ultimus S.P.G.F. for the Treatment of Skin Spots, Pregnancy Spots, and Acne Scars to the Skin

Ultimus S.P.G.F. has provided extremely successful results when applied with ozone for facial rejuvenation and the treatment of hair loss. The procedure first increases the oxygen level of the blood in the tissues through ozone therapy, then heals the tissue with S.P.G.F. therapy. 

Ultimus S.P.G.F. offers many benefits to those who want to achieve a permanent and natural appearance. The can be listed as follows:

  • Facial Lifting Effect: It rapidly structures the skin, initiating a lifting effect.
  • Provides Peeling Effect on Face: After such treatments as peeling, it helps repair wrinkles and remove hollows that form on the skin. It facilitates the control of wounds, cracks, and scars that take a long time to heal. 
  • Provides a Filling Effect on the Face: It repairs the wrinkles that can form on the skin and removes hollows.

Ozonated Ultimus S.P.G.F. is frequently used not only in facial aesthetics but also in the treatment of cellulite and stretch marks caused by childbirth or rapid weight fluctuations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ultimus S.P.G.F. therapy is an innovative medical approach that involves injecting growth factors and essential components from a person’s own blood into damaged or diseased tissues. This process stimulates cell growth and tissue regeneration, accelerating the body’s healing processes.

Ultimus S.P.G.F. therapy directly injects growth factors into targeted areas, promoting cell proliferation and the formation of new tissues. This leads to tissue regeneration and supports the body’s natural healing mechanisms without the need for surgical procedures.

Ultimus S.P.G.F. therapy offers tissue regeneration and accelerated healing processes. It is a non-surgical approach that uses the patient’s own blood components to address tissue and organ disorders resulting from accidents, injuries, biological processes, and genetic factors.

Reconstructive Ultimus S.P.G.F. procedures can address a range of issues including muscle and tendon injuries, ligament tears, osteoarthritis, herniated discs, joint sprains, muscle injuries, skin adhesions, and more.

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